The Atlantic Council Global Energy Center in cooperation with the Hungarian V4 Presidency launched the 7th Annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference, where decision-makers and energy professionals from the Central and Eastern European region and the United States shared their views on the current energy crisis and potential future solutions through joint action.
The agenda of the conference included discussions on the following topics: (1) The future of natural gas supply in Central and Eastern Europe; (2) Rebuilding Ukraine into a clean energy innovation powerhouse; (3) Defending critical energy infrastructure against hybrid threats and (6) Looking ahead: Reconciling security and climate priorities.
In his opening speech, Hungarian Ambassador H.E. Szabolcs Takács emphasized the clear relation between energy security, hard security, climate and economy security. Ms Dóra Zombori, Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary highlighted that in order to tackle the trifold challenge of soaring energy prices, meeting climate goals and phasing out Russian energy, Hungary needs sufficient energy resources, infrastructure and new technologies.
Among the speakers of the conference were Václav Bartuska, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security of Czechia, Michal Kurtyka, former Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland, David Turk, Deputy Secretary for Energy in the Biden administration, Dan Brouillette, former Secretary of Energy of the US and Jack Levine, Senior Climate Fellow at the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).
You can watch the full event here.
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