In the framework of the Hungarian V4 Presidency the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary organised an online expert meeting on 8 December entitled "The role of Hydrogen in the Decarbonisation Pathways in the Visegrad Region" with a focus on the latest H2-related developments in the V4 countries.

Following the keynote speech of Mr. Attila Steiner, State Secretary for Circular Economy, Energy and Climate Policy of the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the speakers reviewed recent scientific findings that help us better understand the role of hydrogen in achieving climate goals in the region.

The online workshop was attended by Mr. Michał Mroskowiak, Institute Jagiellonski (PL), Mr. Oldřich Sklenář, AMO Research Center (CZ), Mr. Péter Kotek, REKK (HU) and Mr. Ádám Balogh from the Energy Community Secretariat, who shared their research, answered questions from the audience of over 100 people and agreed to continue V4 think thank cooperation is the field of hydrogen research.