V4 Memory of Nations Conference
21 June 2022
The main objective of the Memory of Nations conference was to reach out to institutions and professional partners in the V4 countries involved in photo-digitisation and the collection and management of archives.
V4 street festival marks the ending of the Hungarian Presidency
19 June 2022
To mark the conclusion of the Hungarian Presidency, a V4 street festival was held in Budapest, attracting thousands of visitors. The event offered music and dance performances, gastronomy, cultural, sport and educational activities to promote the region's rich cultural and touristic values .
V4+UK Defence Ministers' Meeting
16 June 2022
On the margins of the NATO Defence Ministerial, a meeting of the V4 and UK Defence Ministers took place in Brussels, in the framework of the Hungarian V4 Presidency. Participants condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and agreed that the Visegrád Four must address the new and complex security environment together. Ministers also discussed the expectations ahead of the upcoming NATO Summit (to be held in Madrid on 28-30 June).
7th Annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference
14 June 2022
The Atlantic Council Global Energy Center in cooperation with the Hungarian V4 Presidency launched the 7th Annual Central and Eastern European Energy Security Conference, where decision-makers and energy professionals from the Central and Eastern European region and the United States shared their views on the current energy crisis and potential future solutions through joint action.
V4+Japan Seminar
14 June 2022
The 2022 V4+Japan Seminar was held online with the sub-topic of "The Future of Central Europe and the Role Japan Can Play There". Government officials and experts reviewed the two-decade history of relations between Japan and the V4 countries and the extensive cooperation the parties have developed. Participants also discussed the situation in Ukraine and future areas of cooperation, including R&D, and support for the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe through the Visegrad Fund.